Upcoming Schedule
Request for Quotations
UPLB-RQ-03-089-25-GOODS Catering Services
Requesting Office: BAC SEC
Contact Number : ppscc.uplb@up.edu.ph
End-User Name : Charlotte D. Billones
ABC : 79,500.00
UPLB-RQ-03-147-25-RES Catering Services
Requesting Office: GRAD SCHOOL
Contact Number : 9603421313
End-User Name : rtgempara@up.edu.ph
ABC : 213,750.00
UPLB-RQ-03-088-25-GOODS Newspapers
Requesting Office: OVCAA
Contact Number : 09985372407 jrcastro@up.edu.ph
End-User Name : Jovilyn C. Albay
ABC : 100,800.00
UPLB-RQ-03-145-25-RES Van Rental
Requesting Office: INREM-CFNR
Contact Number : 0966-825-6579
End-User Name : Germenia K. Barbadillo
ABC : 102,000.00
BID Opportunities
About Us
Republic Act 9184 Otherwise Known as the Government Procurement Reform Act under Section 12 and its 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), requires the creation of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat (BACSec) and Technical Working Group by the Head of Procuring Entity (HoPE).