By GPPB definition,

Procurement covering lease of real property and venue for official use, where:
i. Real Property refers to land and buildings (office spaces or units) and constructions of all kinds adhered to the soil.
ii. Venue refers to training centers, convention halls, hotels, and similar establishments catering to trainings, seminars, conferences, conventions, symposia and similar gatherings requiring the official participation of government officials and employees. This may include meals and accommodation depending on the requirements of the Procuring Entity.
iii. Lessee refers to any government agency temporarily occupying a real property on the basis of a contract executed with the private individual, partnership, cooperative, association, or corporation having absolute ownership over such real property.
iv. Lessor refers to any government agency or private individual, partnership, cooperative, association, or corporation having absolute ownership over the real property or venue to be leased.

Policy considerations:

i. Publicly-owned vis-a-vis privately-owned real property and venue:
It is preferred that government agencies lease publicly-owned real property or venue from other government agencies. If there is an available publicly-owned real property or venue that complies with the requirements of the Procuring Entity, it may enter into a contract of lease with the government-agency owner. In the event that the Procuring Entity would resort to privatelyowned real property or venue, the End-User unit shall justify that the same is more efficient and economical to the government.
ii. Location
The location of the real property or venue to be leased should have been meticulously selected by the Procuring Entity after taking into consideration, among others, the need for prudence and economy in government service and the suitability of the area in relation to the mandate of the office, and its accessibility to its clients. In the lease of venue, other factors such as the nature of the event or the level of security in the proposed location may also be taken into account.
iii. ABC and rental rates
The ABC shall be set using the midpoint of the range obtained from the results of the market analysis on the prevailing lease rates for real property or venue within the vicinity of the selected location complying with the criteria and technical specifications of the EndUser Unit. In no case shall the rental rates, including additional expenses, such as association dues in the case of lease of real property, exceed the ABC.
As a general rule, rental rates are considered reasonable when they represent or approximate the value of what the Lessee gets in terms of accommodation, facility, amenities, and convenience from the leased real property or venue, and the Lessor gets an equitable return of capital or investment.
Rental rates should also be within the prevailing market rates for lease of real property or venue with the same or similar condition or classification and located within the vicinity. Rental rate refers to the amount paid by the Lessee for the use and/or occupancy of the privately-owned real property to the Lessor, where payment is usually made on a monthly basis.
iv. Technical Specifications
Technical Specification shall be prepared taking into consideration the rating factors under Appendix B of this Guidelines

Government Procurement Policy Board [GPPB]. (2021 March 31). “9. Lease of Real Property and Venue” under “D. Negotiated Procurement”, “V. Specific Guidelines” of “Annex H. Consolidated Guidelines for the Alternative Methods of Procurement”. In the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 (updated as of 31 March 2021)”. Retrieved from