Note: Click the reference / public bidding number to access and download the official and final bidding documents (The 6th Edition PBD is used in these projects).
Additional Guidelines on the ff:
Submission of Bids
- Health and safety protocols such as wearing of mask, social distancing and washing of hands shall be followed upon the submission of bids.
- If the bidder/s would find it difficult to enter the UPLB gate, kindly contact us at our telephone no. (049) 544-0382.
- Kindly wrap your bids with plastic before submitting the documents.
Conduct of Procurement Activities
The BAC allows a Synchronous System where the participants can join the meeting physically or via Zoom.
a. To attend Physically, follow the safety protocols and present your vaccination card to the BAC Secretariat.
b. In order to attend the Zoom meeting please register to this link:
Only the registered participants will be provided the Zoom meeting ID and passcode. For further inquiries, kindly contact Rosella A. Villegas at, and Maria Katrina D. Borromeo at