Note: Click the reference / public bidding number to access and download the official and final bidding documents (The 6th Edition PBD is used in these projects).
Additional Guidelines on the ff:
Submission of Bids
Health and safety protocols such as wearing of mask, social distancing and washing of hands shall be followed upon the submission of bids.
If the bidder/s would find it difficult to enter the UPLB gate, kindly contact us at our telephone no. (049) 544-0382.
Kindly wrap your bids with plastic before submitting the documents.
Conduct of Procurement Activities
The BAC will not conduct face-to-face meeting with prospective bidders, end users, TWG and invited observers. Instead, observation of Opening of Bids and participation in the Pre-bid and Pre-procurement Conferences shall be done online, via Zoom Meeting Application.
In order to attend the Zoom meeting please register to this link:
Meeting ID: 955 4120 5824 and Passcode: BACGOODS25
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The BAC Secretariat will provide the Zoom meeting ID and password only to those bidders who registered and submitted their bids
For further inquiries, kindly contact Aileen T. Villaflor at