Schedule Date: May 26, 2025
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A. Physical Submission of Bidding Documents
- Bidding documents shall be submitted at the BAC Secretariat Training Hall, Old Maquiling School Inc., Pedro R., Sandoval Avenue, UPLB College, Laguna, on of before the deadline of the submission of bids. Late submission of bids is not allowed.
- Health and safety protocols such as wearing of masks, social distancing and washing of hands shall be followed upon the submission of bids.
- Kindly cover with plastic all the documents to be submitted at our office.
- If the bidder/s would find it difficult to enter the UPLB gate, kindly contact us at our cellular phone no. 0928-515-8308.
B. Conduct of Opening of Bids / Pre-bid Conference
- The BAC will not conduct face-to-face meeting with prospective bidders, end users, TWG and invited observers; instead, observation of opening of bids / pre-bid conference shall be done online, via Zoom Meeting Application.
- Register in advance for this meeting:
- Meeting ID: 939 4902 4697
- Password:BACINFRA00
- For further inquiries, kindly contact
Ms. Jaybee Punzalan through jmpunzalan2@up.edu.ph
Ms. Rhea Aquino through rgaquino1@up.edu.ph
Ms. Cherry Villadores through cgvilladores@up.edu.ph and
Mr. Ivan Villegas through irvillegas@up.edu.ph